About the Author

Barbara Brinson Curiel’s book Mexican Jenny and Other Poems won the 2012 Philip Levine Prize and was published in 2014 by Anhinga Press.  She has published poems in the journals: Kweli, Huizsache, and The Acentos Review. Her poems are included in the 2011 collection Cantar de Espejos: Poesía Testimonial Chicana por Mujeres published in Mexico, as well as in other anthologies.

Barbara was a 2010-2012 fellow of CantoMundo, the national organization for Latino poets, whose coordinating committee she joins in 2014.

Barbara is a professor in the departments of Critical Race, Gender, and Sexuality Studies and English at Humboldt State University, where she teaches creative writing, Chicano/Latino and feminist studies, and American literature.

You can reach Barbara at barbaracuriel@yahoo.com.